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North to South Wales using RockTape!

North to South Wales using RockTape!

On the 25th of August 2016, Lowri Morgan…a TV Presenter and Ultra Marathon Runner embarked on a three day challenge to run from North to South Wales to raise awareness of Cerebra, a charity for children with Neurological problems. Over the 3 days she would...
Back Pain – our main employer!

Back Pain – our main employer!

When I started as a student Physiotherapist 13 years ago it felt as if the management of back pain was having a big overhaul with the doom-monger ‘you will be in a wheel chair’ therapists being swept away by the self management and exercise scientific clean up crew....
How Rocktape Changed My Life – Graeme Watson

How Rocktape Changed My Life – Graeme Watson

I joined the Army in August 1992 as a member of the Royal Engineers. I played football from the minute I joined, representing my Regiment and was also lucky enough to also represent the Corps of Royal Engineers, until everything went rapidly and abruptly downhill in...