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A journey from despair and across a continent.
At Rocktape, we’re used to working with elite athletes and are familiar with the extreme rigors through which they put themselves.  Whether it’s the punishing cross-training regime of premiership rugby players, or the suffering endured by those gluttons for punishment, Ironmen, we now generally accept their efforts with admiration, but rarely awe.  Well, that was until we got an email from Tom Fitzsimons.


20 years ago, Tom descended into alcoholism, a condition and addiction from which very few people ever emerge remotely intact.  6 years ago, Tom managed to resolve to get himself well and has now been completely sober for 5 years.  Part of Tom’s rehabilitation was running, to such a degree that he completed the gruelling Marathon Des Sables (6 days, 6 marathons across the sands of the Sahara).  If the story were to end here, it would represent a miraculous recovery and an achievement requiring a level of determination on par with any in world sport – but it doesn’t.

Tom is currently running across America.  Yes, America.  3,100 miles in 100 days.  When we read this, there was a moment of stunned silence, followed by the air turning slightly blue as the maths sunk in.  31 miles per day for 100 days, across several mountain ranges, through temperatures in the mid-40s – the man must be bonkers – but doing it he is.  From San Francisco to Coney Island, New York, aiming to arrive on the 27<sup>th</sup> August.


To say we’re proud to be helping Tom is a colossal understatement and we wish him the very best of luck with his epic undertaking.  Tom is raising awareness of the issues surrounding alcoholism and is a shining beacon of the possibilities of recovery.  He has many painful weeks left to run, so please do follow, support and donate at:


