Nutrition- I try to follow the Zone eating plan based on 14 blocks (3 blocks for breakfast, 3 for lunch, 3 for dinner and 1 morning and evening snack). I introduced this as I find it an easier to keep track of how much and what I am eating. I do sometimes find it hard to fit the snacks in during the day- especially on a Tuesday and Wednesday as these are my the days I work and coach.
I have my lunch and dinner meals from The Meal Box Company. I don’t have much time to prep food, so the convenience of a pre-prepped meals are fantastic and the meals taste great- I highly recommend them. Supplements wise I take Omega 3 (icon nutrition) and GLC 2000 with my break- fast and evening meal.
Pre and during training – Bcaa- (Icon nutrition)- fruit punch is my favourite.
Post Wod- I have a Icon nutrition shake usually Cookies N cream or Chocolate peanut butter- got to be the be the best tasting whey I have ever had!
My programming is provided by Ben Allen (aka coach) a very good friend and owner of Elevate performance. He has a very analytical approach to my training and has collected data from when i started Crossfit in Oct 2012, he knows what works well and how to motivate me!! He also under- stands my time constraints and has adapted my programming with this in mind. My longest ses- sion is normally about 2 hours- within this time I try to work on my weaknesses as well as trying to improve on my lifts, engine etc.
8.30am- Get the girls to school.
9-12pm- Coursework to complete for massage course – approx 3 hours
12-1.30 – Time to get some training in- train alone on a Monday morning (programme written by elevate performance)
General housework/shopping
3pm- collect girls from school
3-5pm – homework- feed the girls and get them ready for diving.
6.30pm- leave for diving.
8pm- return home from diving.
Tuesday (rest day)
8am- Girls to breakfast club and me off to work
8.30-4.30- A days work as a mortgage advisor
6-9pm- Crossfit coaching- 3 classes back to back
9pm- Home to eat and get ready for another busy day tomorrow
8am- Girls to breakfast club
8.30-4.30- A days work as a mortgage advisor
6-7.30 – Straight from work to training (sometimes get to train with others including the Hubby)
7.30pm – Collect the girls after they have been diving (luckily the grandparents are ace and they take them on Tuesdays and Wednesdays)
8pm- Home to chill, eat and try to do some mobilisation.
Day off today (sometimes i do work Thursdays)
– 8.30- Girls off to school
– 9.30- 11am- Time to train in the day (usually by myself)
– 11-1pm More coursework to do for massage course
– 1-2pm – massaging for practical hours for massage course
– – 3pm- collect girls.
– Evening to chill with the family, homework, colouring, household duties etc
– Girls to school
– Chores around the house – 12pm- coffee with Hubby
– 1 pm – Massaging
– 3pm – Girls from school
– 6pm- Evening to the box for some training
Saturday (rest day)
– 8.30- 4pm – Work all day as a mortgage advisor – 6pm- PT session
– evening to chill with the family
– 9-10.30am – Coach 1 Sunday in 3!!!
– 10.30-12pm – Girls to Athletics
– lunch with the family before girls have diving
2.15 – 3.30 – Assault Bike session at home – 30minsorless