by rocktapeuk | Jun 15, 2022 | Studies
An overview of systematic reviews on the subject would suggest not (Roura et al 2021). The effects can be very variable, or heterogeneous, between individuals. While it is possible that effect patterns may exist depending on gender, technique, and body region the most...
by rocktapeuk | Jul 1, 2021 | Studies
This Blog is a little bit special; we are honored that Stuart has shared his personal taping experience with us and we are excited to pass it on to you – our committed Blog reader. From Stuart… My name is Stuart Maloney and in 1982 I was born with...
by rocktapeuk | Oct 8, 2020 | Medical, Studies
By Fred Braithwaite (Rock Doc & Owner at The human body is remarkable. It has the ability to adapt and change to the stimulus we place on it day to day, what is more, it actually super compensates to the stimulus we place on it. This...
by rocktapeuk | Aug 21, 2020 | Studies
Have you made some post-pandemic predictions and found like-minded souls in a Facebook echo-chamber? Yep – me to! Well one of my predictions is: Working from home will not be good for our long term physical and mental health. Appreciating the situation can be very...
by rocktapeuk | Aug 21, 2020 | Studies
Manual therapy has been challenged over the past few years but is it the clinical outcomes or the suggested mechanisms that have been challenged? I don’t think we are really adjusting, breaking and releasing in the manner we were taught but patients continue to be...
by rocktapeuk | Aug 21, 2020 | Studies
The Research Titans seem determined to knock Orthopedic special tests off their pedestal. Here I give my opinion on the latest article titled: It Is Time to Put ‘Special Tests’ for Rotator Cuff Related Shoulder Pain Out to Pasture. (Salamh & Lewis 2020) This means...