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RockPods Vibe: The Next Generation

RockPods Vibe: The Next Generation

Based on available historical information, the first medical use of vibration was for the treatment of parkinsons disease. Prof Jean-Martin Charcot, a French neurologist. Used a Vibrating chair for Parkinsons Patients in the late 19th century. Around this time doctors...

NEW: RockPods Glide – What can we do that’s new?

Now we can glide over the spine, gently lifting the skin and superficial fascia while creating an unusually therapeutic sensory feast for our attentive peripheral nervous system.   Application couldn’t be easier, no fire, no pumps, nothing mechanical. All you...
Does cupping improve blood flow?

Does cupping improve blood flow?

Cupping practitioners often claim that cupping improves blood flow and refer to the circular reddening of the skin as clear evidence for this. We can learn more about blood flow within the microenvironment of the vacuum from a fascinating photoacoustic imaging study...